Dear Parents and Guardians,
Happy New Year and welcome to the new semester! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and that your family is feeling refreshed and ready for the exciting opportunities ahead. As we begin this semester, we are filled with enthusiasm about the growth and learning that lies ahead for our students. Our teachers and staff are committed to providing a positive and engaging learning environment, and we are eager to continue fostering the academic, social, and emotional development of every child.
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
First Day Back: Monday, January 6th. This is a late start Monday. Students will receive their new schedules and report cards in the gym before 1st period. Report cards will be mailed home for any student receiving a failing grade.
Wolf Time Games: Wolf Time Games are scheduled for Friday, January 10th. Thank you to PTO for sponsoring this event! Students earned eligibility to participate by meeting the following criteria for the 2nd 9 weeks of school:
2 or less unexcused absences & 2 or less tardies per nine weeks
Binder/supplies/backpack is organized
At or above grade level (C or above) in all 8 periods
No major office referrals
No School/MLK Day: No school for students on Monday, January 20th: this is a work day for teachers.
Attendance: As a reminder, it is extremely important for students to be in attendance each day. Absences without appropriate documentation will be considered “unexcused.” Excuses must be submitted within 5 days of the absence in order to be accepted
Acceptable excuses include:
3 parent notes per semester
Notes for:
medical appointments
death or serious illness in immediate family
appointment with a government agency
exceptional circumstances with prior approval of the principal
Cold Weather: With temperatures dropping, please ensure your child comes to school dressed for outdoor activities.
Inclement Weather Days: Please make sure your contact information, phone numbers, etc. are correct and up to date to receive updates via text or have ways to check our district facebook page and social media outlets for notification in the event school is closed due to inclement weather.
LHMS Building Info: Please read through this if you need a refresher about general building information.
I encourage you to stay engaged in your child’s learning journey. Regular communication between home and school plays a key role in the success of our students. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Don’t forget to check our district website, facebook page, and social media outlets and newsletters for important updates throughout the semester.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to another great semester together!
Katelyn Walker, LHMS Principal