LHHS Late Start Mondays

"Late Start Mondays" begin on Monday, August 23, at the high school.  See below for information regarding "Late Start Mondays."

What's the purpose of Late Start Mondays?

  • To allow teacher content teams the time needed to grow professionally in a collaborative setting to improve teaching and learning.
  • To review essential standards and learning targets
  • To create a guaranteed and viable curriculum for all students.
  • To improve student achievement and growth.
  • To develop common formative and common summative assessments.
  • To plan intervention and extension lessons for students to meet individual student needs.
  • To collaborate on the best research-based practices and strategies to use in the classroom.

Late Start Mondays FAQ's

  • Busses will run at normal times and breakfast will be served.

  • On Late Start Mondays, LHHS students who do not attend National Park College Technical Center 1st block, or who do not have band 1st period are not required to be on campus until 8:45 AM. 

  • Students who arrive on campus between 7:30 and 8:45 are expected to be in the cafeteria. 

  • Students who attend NPTC 1st block or have band 1st period should arrive at LHHS at their normal time. 

  • On Late Start Mondays, 1st-period classes will begin at 8:50, 2nd-period classes will begin at 9:40 and 4th-period classes will begin at 10:30. On Late Start Mondays, students will not go to WIN Time during the 3rd period.