The Lake Hamilton Scholarship Volunteers will host the Daddy Daughter Dance for Lake Hamilton Primary School Kindergarten and 1st-grade students on Friday, April 1, 2022. The dance will be held in the Lake Hamilton Middle School Gym. The doors to the gym open and the dance begins at 6:30 p.m. Doors open for lobby pictures and concessions at 6:00 p.m. The dance will end at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $5 per couple. Cash only.
- Do we have to dance? No, but you will want to dance with your daughter/date on this special night since they grow up too fast!
- Should phones be in use during the dance? Please limit the time spent on your phone taking pictures and videos. We want you to take a few pictures/videos during the dance, but encourage you to spend time off of your phone and with your daughter/date! Enjoy and be in the moment!
- How long do we stay? That depends on your schedule and how much fun you are having! Pictures begin at 6:00 p.m. The dance begins at 6:30 p.m. and lasts until 7:30 p.m.
- What do the girls wear? Some girls will dress sassy, some will dress sweet! Please remember that this is not a prom! A simple Sunday dress will be appropriate!
- What is the cost? Tickets may be purchased when you arrive at the dance for $5 per couple. Cash only. All money from ticket sales goes to the LH Scholarship Fund Activity Account to benefit LHHS graduates and the LH Teachers of the Year!
- Will there be pictures taken? Yes, a photographer will be taking professional pictures and will have packages available starting at $12 per package. Must pay and turn in your picture money at the dance. Do not turn in picture order forms to school – bring them to the dance, along with payment. Picture order forms will be sent home the week prior to the dance.
- Are moms/adult females allowed? No, not in the middle school, lobby, or dance. Please take pictures with mom and friends before you arrive! The daddy and daughter couple will be the only ones allowed in the building.
- What if my dad isn’t able to come? If your dad is not able to come, please invite an uncle, grandfather, stepfather, brother, neighbor, or another male role model!
- Will there be concessions? Yes. Concessions will be available. Cash only.