The Lake Hamilton School District will hold its annual food drive from November 11 to November 15, 2024, benefiting the Lake Hamilton Parent Centerโs food pantry and the Food for Kids Backpack Program. Did you know that each week, 289 students receive food assistance through this program? Backpacks are sent home with students on Fridays, providing supplemental food to help them over the weekend until they return to school on Monday.
To support this cause, each grade has been assigned a high-need food item. If you are able to participate, please send items to school with your student during the designated week. Be sure to check expiration dates on any food donations. Thank you for helping feed our Wolves!
Food Item Assignments by Grade:
Pre-K and Kindergarten: Granola Bars or Breakfast Bars
1st Grade: Mac & Cheese (Individual Microwavable Cups Preferred)
2nd Grade: Individual Snacks (Cheez-It, Goldfish, Teddy Grahams, etc.)
3rd Grade: Oatmeal (Individual Packets) or Cereal (Large Boxes)
4th Grade: Peanut Butter or Jelly
5th Grade: Meals in a Can (Chef Boyardee, Stew, Chili, etc.)
6th Grade: Canned Soup or Packaged Soup Mixes
7th Grade: Rice or Hamburger Helper
8th Grade: Canned Meat (Vienna Sausage, Tuna, Chicken, etc.)
9th Grade: Crackers (Saltine, Ritz, Peanut Butter, etc.)
High School, New Horizons, & PBS: Pasta or Pasta Sauce
Central Office or Other Staff: Canned Vegetables or Instant Potatoes
Thank you for supporting this initiative and helping to ensure that all of our students have the nutrition they need. Your contributions make a difference!