"Late Start Mondays" begin on Monday, August 21, 2023, for 6th through 12th-grade students. See below for information regarding "Late Start Mondays."
What's the purpose of Late Start Mondays?
- To allow teacher content teams the time needed to grow professionally in a collaborative setting to improve teaching and learning.
- To review essential standards and learning targets
- To create a guaranteed and viable curriculum for all students.
- To improve student achievement and growth.
- To develop common formative and common summative assessments.
- To plan intervention and extension lessons for students to meet individual student needs.
- To collaborate on the best research-based practices and strategies to use in the classroom.
Late Start Mondays FAQ's
Q: I see 1st period does not begin until 8:50 a.m. on Late Start Mondays. Does this mean my student can't arrive at school before then?
A: Students can still report to the school at 7:30 a.m. on Late Start Mondays.
Q: Do I have to send my student at their normal drop-off time, or can I wait and bring them later since the official 1st-period start time isn't until 8:50 a.m.?
A: Parents can drop off students between 8:30 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. if they do not want to send their students at the normal drop-off time on Late Start Mondays.
Q: Will my student still have all of their classes on Late Start Mondays?
A: Yes. Students will still have every class on their schedule. The first-period class time will take the place of Wolf Time on Late Start Mondays.
Q: My student will arrive at the normal time on Late Start Mondays. What will they be doing until the official 1st period begins at 8:50 a.m.?
A: Each school will have designated areas for students that arrive at the normal time during Late Start Mondays. Building staff will be supervising students during this time.
Q: Would Late Start Mondays be a good time for me to schedule appointments for my students (doctor, dentist, etc.)?
A: Yes. We encourage you to take advantage of Late Start Mondays for any and all appointments. That way, students will not be missing valuable class time.